The Pink Roses & White Babyroses For Girl Bouquet is a beautiful arrangement that combines pink roses and white baby roses, perfect for expressing affection on special occasions like birthdays or anniversaries. Each bloom is selected for freshness, ensuring a stunning and long-lasting display. The soft pink and white hues symbolize purity and love, enhanced by lush greenery. Arranged stylishly, this bouquet is a heartfelt way to convey emotions and brighten someone’s day |
Baby-Girl Bouquet
* Premium Pink Roses * Soft White Babyrose * Ruscus * Black & White Star Wrraping. |
New York
Standard – $15, delivery charge is free for orders over $50. For the same-day New York delivery service, please place your order before 2.00pm, Monday – Friday. For same-day New York delivery service on Saturdays, place before 10.00am.
Nationwide Delivery
Standard – $20. A next-day nationwide delivery service is available Tuesday – Saturday for orders placed by 2pm the previous day.
Each bouquet will arrive with flower care instructions. Please note, certain fragile products are available for a New York delivery only.
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